Conducted as a duo with Isabelle Doblas-Coutaud, Delta is an interpretative performance on the little-known history of the Camargue, accompanied by a documentary on the creative process.

DELTA documentary teaser.
Directed by Florian Doidy

Performance overview,

Camargue Museum, 2020.

Performance capture, 20’. Camargue Museum, 2020. 
Directed by Florian Doidy

Teaser, 2017. Le Chaudron des images et des sons,

Rémi Lubin, Laurent Haubin, Onepic

Photo credits: Camargue Museum, Echangeur 22, Rémi Lubin


10/2020 au 06/2021

Exhibition for the 50 of the Camargue, Regional Natural Park and the 25 years of the Camargue Museum, Camargue Museum, Arles


Performance, Musée de la Camargue, Arles


Creative residency, Echangeur 22, Saint Laurent des Arbres


Animation of a Clay Workshop, LUMA workshops, Arles



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