A self-taught artist, I have a transdisciplinary practice, a dialogue between the body and Nature, evolving from Image (photography and collages) towards immersive volume (sculpture, installation, Land Art) and movement (performance). With ecology as a starting point, I manipulate the elements (light, fire, magnetism, fluids) with raw materials (bodies, paper, wood, stone, metal, clay). I look for the void at the source of matter, the invisible trajectories which sustain all structures. I listen to my own body which I use as a diapason, I practice a geobiological art that points out the relationship between the artwork and its environment. Each installation is designed in-situ, in relation to the influences I percieve, reveal and condense.
Beyond the mind, I use the senses to create a context that connects interiority and exteriority.
The Flora preceds the Animal.
Trees preceded humans.
They have been our allies to warm us, to feed us, to build. Silent, still?
We used to think so before we discovered that trees communicate with each other and that their area of influence is well larger than this reassuring stillness.
Of the tree we see the leaves, the branches which extend like the many arms of an Indian goddess…
Generous of its perches, new plots to receive nests without any bird ever needing to submit a building permit.
But the tree, echoing its celestial life, leads an underground life in the interweaving of its roots.
There too we live, by the billions ... From there too we talk, we exchange, we communicate ...
If we were to psychoanalyse the tree, it would be by questioning this invisible underground network that we could get to know it best.
What land is he from?
Tell me about your land, I will tell you who you are ...
If I love Marie Gueydon de Dives' approach so much, it is because her ambition is to make us look at what we do not see. She does it with humility, with discretion because she knows that the tree
does not expect much from men. Let us not doubt that our plane trees, our oaks and our tall pines know the fate that we have reserved for their Brazilian, Malaysian or Congolese cousins.
But the artist knows that it is only with the heart that one sees clearly.
So Marie tries to reveal the Invisible. Just like when she worked on the bark of the large plane trees in Fan Park, where the gold of her ceramics had as its only goal to enlighten the arcipelago
drawn by the tree itself on its trunk. She now draws our gaze to the ground.
We who were still looking at the tree with our heads raised, our eyes turned upwards, she invites us to lower our gaze, to kneel down to try to touch a little of the invisible, mysterious and
underground universe to which we do not pay attention. Like the blood that flows in our veins and that we never see, other than when we cut ourselves, the roots of the tree are only visible when
we pull them out!
Marie Gueydon de Dives seeks to express energy. The roots, brought to light then become white porcelain. Fragile...
By bringing us back to the ground, extending into the open the underground calligraphy written at the end of the trees, Marie invites us to feel how life beats when we place our heart against the earth.
We come FROM nature. If we forget it, if we don't take care of this thin layer of humus upon which all life depends, we won't be here much longer...
Eric de Kermel, en connivence
avec Marie Gueydon de Dives, avril 2020
Marie Gueydon de Dives presents a series of installations “which dialogue directly with the natural world through location, materials and the limited employment of non-artisanal techniques.
These are artworks which utilize the environment’s resources, the site’s specific characteristics, as well as the process of growth and spontaneous and accidental phenomena. They question our
feeling of nature, challenge our sensitivity and our prejudices to suggest an approach to the natural environment that is less conflictual and negligent, more gentle and benevolent.
(She invites the viewer) to take part in a meaningful experience of surprising spaces, raw materials, penetrating scents, which open up new avenues of reflection on the relationship that our
civilization and each of us have with nature. These works of ecology, landscape and environment are all about, approached with the means of art: few direct messages, therefore, but a strong
capacity to propose new approaches, in connection with psychology, sensitivity and culture of contemporary man.
Avec l'aimable autorisation de Alessandro Rocca.
Architecture naturelle. Ed. Actes Sud, 2007
Marie Gueydon de Dives is a young DESIGNER, whom we decided to support within our contemporary art gallery. Her objects and pieces of furniture combine the intelligence of the environment with a graceful aesthetic imprinted with an apparent fragility (…). She works our senses with delicacy, via a proposal combining visual and sensual aesthetics (…). "
Galerie Nathalie Fiks, 75009 Paris, 2009
CHIC ART FAIR, 2010, Concours Section Design, Cité Internationale de la Mode et du Design, 75013.
Éloge de l’Arbre, Château Le Plaisir, exhibition catalogue
Solargil, project partner of DELTA, catalogue
Et-corps-ce // Tree-barks, Installations and sculptures, self-publishing, 60 pages
Pluri’Elles, exhibition catalogue, Cultural office of Uzès
Céramique 14, exhibition catalogue
Art et Nature, Bambouseraie de Prafrance, Générargues, exhibition catalogue
Mush-rooms // Champignons, Sculptures, self-publishing, 66 pages
« Un éloge de l'arbre et de l'art », Midi Libre - june
« Le château d'Aramon et le Chateau Le Plaisir ouvrent leurs jardins », Midi Libre - march
« L’architecture du vivant, quintessence de ses recherches », Midi Libre - march
« Ses lichens révèlent un monde fascinant », Midi Libre - march
« En Camargue, guidées par la matière », Midi Libre - march
« Emaux naturels couleur Camargue », La Revue de la Céramique et du Verre - july
« En Camargue performance en huis clos pour M.Gueydon de Dives et I.Doblas-Coutaud », Artistes d’occitanie - may
« MiNuit Blanche décline l’art », Photo de couverture, Le Républicain d’Uzès - september
« Champignons géants », La Revue de la Céramique et du Verre - july
« Au pied des Cévennes, la sublime renaissance du Jardin des Oules » Le Figaro - july
« Dans le monde de Marie », Le Républicain d’Uzès - may
« Interview » Radio Fuze - may
« Interview » Bambouseraie, Journal régional France 3, july
« In-situ : un jardin pour les enfants », Jardin médiéval, Midi-Libre - july
« Interview » Radio Fuze, may
« Trois femmes invitées d'honneur », Bambouseraie, Midi-Libre - january
Placement Produits : Campagne Décoration (December), Côté Maison
« Terralha en fête à Saint-Quentin », photo d'installation Alice, Midi-Libre - july
« En arrivant d'Italie, la famille Gide s'est installée sur la commune », Midi-Libre - august
« Chemin d'art, Les Témoins », Midi-Libre - july
Placement Produits : Maison et décors - june
Photo de couverture, Est Magazine - may
« Dossier » Atelier Camino, IDEAT - may
« Interview » Atelier Camino, Archi à Vivre - january
Pas à Pas création, « Interview/Dossier », Brocante
Placement Produits : Mailles Magazine - may
Pas à Pas création, ELLE Magazine - december
Placement Produits : PlateformMag - november